Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Lubricants And Industry

Lubricants And Industry

Image source: http://www.aflglobal.com/productionFiles/images/header/industry-oil-and-gas.aspx?width=954&height=369

Lubricants can play a big role in industry. One cannot think about smooth running of industry without using lubricants. Lubricants are used in moving parts or components to ensure that the component remain in good working order. The key role of industrial lubricants is to reduce the amount of friction and wear from the moving surfaces of machinery. As we know that friction causes heat, so lubricants also reduces heat by carrying away from moving surfaces of machinery and cool its components. Thats why lubricants are also termed as the heat transfer fluids. Lubricants prevent moving parts of machinery against rust and corrosion.

Industrial lubricants are prepared of either organic compounds or synthetic compounds. Most of organic lubricants are prepared by refining petroleum substances where as synthetic lubricants are prepared from chemical compounds through a number of chemical processes using some additives for better performance of lubricants.

Lubricants, generally, are found in three physical states liquid, semi-liquid, and solid. Motor oils, marine oils, turbine oils, gear oils, etc are major form of liquid lubricants. Greases and Vaseline are common name in semi-liquid lubricants. Graphite is the most popular solid lubricants. The powder of graphite is used for lubrication between moving parts of machinery.

The most common kinds of industrial lubricants are motor oils, marine oils, silicone, greases, turbine oils, metal working fluids, cutting fluids, grinding fluids, farming oils, gas engine oils, brake oils, hydraulic oils, etc. The biggest application of industrial lubricants is motor oils which are generally used in motor vehicles, automotive industry and internal combustion engines and provide them better performance, protection, and longer life and ultimately save money.

Different kinds of lubricants are used for the different purposes or different machinery. Not same lubricants should be used in different machinery. By using additives different lubricants are used for the different purposes and functions. The key role of additives used in lubricants is to increase the viscosity of lubricants and reduce oxidation and contamination. Different additives perform different specific task. Some common additives are anti-oxidants, anti-foaming agents, rust & corrosion inhibitors, metal deactivators, etc.

There are several types of lubricants are available in the markets categorized by their specific properties and tasks but their key function is to help maintain and keep machinery or engines running smoothly at all times. For example, metal working fluids are kinds of lubricants which are especially used in metal working, glass, and cutting industries.

Metalworking fluids are also termed as coolants or grinding/cutting fluids. They are especially designed using additives suitable for grinding, boring, metal working, glass cutting, and metal cutting, etc. Engine coolants provide excellent protection of all hard metals in the cooling system and engines. They also provide strong resistance against foaming and provider longer life of the cooling systems or engines. Gear oils which are especially used in brake systems, gear boxes and gear systems are also the form of motor oils. In this way, we see that using lubricants in machinery is of great importance. Lubricants play a big role in industry and enable it for smooth running.

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